Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Picture Books

Erin, over from the 4RealLearning Forum put forth a sort of challenge a week or so ago.
"Read 3 picture books a day at minimum, and because it seems to make us more accountable, write titles down. I thought to share our picture book journey here along with any other mums struggling to read picture books daily, I'm certain I'm not alone.
Share your titles daily, alternate days, weekly, whatever rhythm supports you the most."
I thought that this was such a great idea, especially since I have already discovered many "new to me" picture books. I thought it would be great to post them here, for others to see.
Maybe you will find some "new to you" books that you and your children will enjoy.
I always love to discover great picture books, so I hope many of you will join in the fun and make a blog post and put a link in the comments section of this post, or simply put some of your favorite picture book titles in the comments of this post.

We have been learning about the Civil War in history and I discovered these two great books.

Young Abe Lincoln: The Frontier Days 1809-1837 and

Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington both by Cheryl Harness

Both of these books have marvelous illustrations and includes detailed maps which my 10 year old son especially enjoyed.
Three Pebbles and a Song by Eileen Spinelli, pictures by S D Schindler
"In Spinelli's new picture book, a take-off on the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, a young field mouse named Moses is instructed by his mother, father, and sister to collect food and warm belongings for the family nest. Moses tries to comply, but he's constantly distracted by twirling and skittering leaves, the "whistle-y" song of the wind, and pebbles from the creek. When the snow arrives, the family has food and warm possessions--thanks to Mama, Papa and Missy--and when they becomes bored, they have a song, a dance, and a juggling show thanks to Moses." Amazon
The Thanksgiving Door by Debby Atwell
"An elderly couple, Ann and Ed, go to the New World Cafe on Thanksgiving Day because Ann has burned dinner. The door is open, and the tables are decorated--not only with Pilgrims and Indians but also with tiny, bearded, probably Russian dancing figurines. The cafe owners, apparently immigrants, wonder why their door was open and who has crashed their party, but Grandmother is welcoming, and dinner is fun for all." Amazon
Tops and Bottoms by Lesley Conger, illustrated by Imero Gobbato.
A lazy goblin and a hard working farmer match wits in the fun adaptation of this folk tale. The farmer outwits the goblin 3 times,offering half the crop, "tops or bottoms" until the goblin finally disappears forever. Of course, when the goblin chose "bottoms" the farmer grew corn, leaving just stubble and roots for the goblin. When the goblin choose tops, the farmer grew carrots in the field, leaving useless carrot tops for the goblin.
My five year old, Luke, has chosen this book as his favorite this week. Giving it a definite 2 thumbs up!!

Won't join in and share a few of your favorite picture books in the comments.
I love finding new books to share with the kids (and enjoy myself!!)

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