Friday, October 22, 2010

Dinner in the "Little House" Revisited

3 and a half years ago, I posted the first photo of "dinner in the little house".
Well, it doesn't happen very often anymore, but all 12 of us were home tonight, so I was sure to get a photo!!
I don't have any idea where we will put spouses and grandchildren once they begin arriving, but we will squeeze them in somehow. :-)
You can check out the original "dinner
in the little house
" post back from April 2007 here.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

We have just shy of 960 sq. feet here. At one time, we did have 9 of us here. Fortunately, we live in mostly sunny CA, so we are able to fit our children, spouses and grand-babies at the back porch table with us. You all look plenty happy in your little house! :)